Wed 20th Jul 2016
Captain's Cup
Att: 20 players
Ian McKay
1 - 2
Alan Austin
Ian McKay had choice
 (1) Ben McKay
  Gary Parker (2)
 Rod Holroyd (1)Andrew Hackett (1)

Match Report

Written by Ian McKay
I arrived on Wednesday to be greeted by Gary with the dreaded picking board.

I had first pick and said to Alan I will pick Ben as it is only right that the father picks his son. Alan agreed with this sentiment on his fifth pick (Mark you need to have a word).

The match kicked off with the yellows pressing and in fact going close on a couple of occasions, which in fact was going to be the story of the evening. After approximately ten minutes the yellows started to become careless in that we were failing to clear our lines and eventually after giving the ball away one more time we were punished. Rod hit in a curling cross and Gary rose to head the ball home, although I was a little disappointed in that despite getting a hand to the ball I couldn't keep it out.

The whites quickly added a second, this time from a corner and some loose defending saw Gary (I would like to say sneaked in at the far post) but actually he standing there for sometime.

I then switched with Nick in goal and the yellows almost pulled a goal back from a corner. Richard hit a low corner, I connected with ball which struck Mike on the hip and was still goal bound until it struck Laurie right on the nose, before hitting the post and going out for another corner.

The yellows continued to and from a corner we managed to pull a goal back. I am no scientist but I didn't realise how much light refraction you get from Contact Lenes. Apparently Alan was standing on the line when he cleared the ball when in actual fact he was a good foot behind the line, however I accept that through Alan's lenses he appeared to be standing on the goal line.

The game continued to ebb and flow but neither side could add to their tally.

Congratulations to Alan and in my opinion the MOM was young Andrew Hackett who covered a lot of ground in a very graceful, yes graceful and controlled manner.