Wed 26th Oct 2016
Points Apply
Att: 16 players
Chris Stewart
8 - 3
Bob Parker
Chris Stewart had choice
 (4) Chris Stewart (1) Dave Owen (2) Alistair Munro (1) Ross Cornford
  Gary Parker (3)
 (3) Dave Owen(3) Alistair Munro(1) Ross Cornford
 Andy Smith (1)Rod Holroyd (1)Paul Hackett (1)

Match Report

Written by Chris Stewart
I won the toss and chose to pick first. It was 8-a-side but with no goal keepers. With a solid defence of Nick, Mike and Neil I was confident to go in goal from the start, whilst Dave O went up front.

The game was 50/50 for the first 5 minutes and then whites got a break with Gary. I committed myself to a 1 on 1 with Andy Smith who done well to pass to Gary waiting in the box. 1-0 down! I wasn't too concerned at this point as we had been playing well....that was until we went 2-0 down from another goal from Gary. Started from a great ball from Hackett, who was having a very good game.

After about 20 minutes in Goal Noel swapped over with me so I could have a run out. Within 2 minutes Alister passed the ball to me just outside the box for our 1st goal. 2-1! We were making chances now and could see our 2nd coming. We had some great play between Alistair and Dave, but nothing hitting the back of the net just yet. Our equaliser came from a tap-in from me, assisted by Dave O...we were back in the game, 2-2! From this point on yellows controlled the game. With Ross up the left side, Alistair up the right side and Dave O in the middle we caused the whites some problems. Bob was playing well in Gaol and denied Dave O a goal on several occasions. I was picking up any dregs getting cleared out of the box. One Such ball game out from a clearance and was headed high back towards the goal from Neil, as it was coming down I was in the right place at the right time to chest it down and volley it into the back of the net! 3-2 to Yellows and a great turnaround from 2-0 down.

We then went 4-2 up with a great strike from Alistair. Whites fought back with a goal from Gary to make it 4-3. However, we quickly made it 5-3 with a brilliant goal from Ross from some distance on the left side. Our 6th goal was A stuffy tackle that ended in a goal. No attempt was made save the ball as I don't think Woody was expecting it. Alistair scored our 7th from a neat pass from Ross just in front of goal and finally Dave O got on the score sheet. Well deserved after causing so much chaos in the box all game.

I have decided to award man of the match to Hackett. Although not on the winning side, he played out of his skin and seemed to win everything on Wednesday. He supplied Gary with some great balls and played his best game so far this season. I would also like to thank Noel for going in goal and only conceding 1 goal in 40 minutes unlike myself who let in 2 after 20 mins!