Wed 18th Dec 2013
Heavy Rain
Points Apply
Att: 12 players
Laurie Evans
2 - 5
Carl Syvret
Carl Syvret had choice
 (1) Brian Moses (1) Andy Eyres
  Gary Parker (1) Alistair Munro (4)
 (1) Andy Eyres(1) Chris Stewart
 Paul Hackett (1)Gary Parker (2)

Match Report

Written by Carl Syvret
What a night!
I was nearly going to do presumably what most of the other women in this club did: i.e.: look out of the window and think noway!!
But unlike the masses, I thought NO I am a member of the plus 30's, none of the others will be put off by a drop of rain or a slight breeze, so grow a pair Carl and get out there.
So as it turned out it was me and 11 other k**b heads who turned up.
To be fair it was only bad for the first 30mins, after that it was OK.

The Match.

I was already 4 down from our 1st outing, so there was a lot of catching up to do.
I had 1st pick so I went for speed and the men in form, Gary, Alistair etc.
The game was pretty even with the whites probably having the most chances.
We got a couple of goals, and it looked like the four I needed, was on the cards.
However the yellows got one back, that's how the game continued with the whites getting another couple then the yellows getting another back.
The whites were never in any danger of getting beaten, but as Gary couldn't hit a cows arse with a shovel, then my chances of getting into the captains cup was going to remain a pipe dream.
Having said that, it's a good job Chris had had the same tea as Gary.

So well done to Laurie, his great goal keeping skills have got him into the captains cup.

MOM: Alistair
Quote of the night:
It's a shame I only had my boxers on tonight instead of my cycling stopped me stepping up a gear!!!!
Classic: from one.two

Finally may I take this opportunity to wish you a very merry Christmas, & I hope 2014 will be very good year for you all and your families.