Wed 8th Mar 2017
Points Apply
Att: 15 players
Mark Austin
3 - 0
Harvey Baird
Mark Austin had choice
 (3) Chris Stewart
 (3) Ross Cornford

Match Report

Written by Mark Austin
In true Plus 30 tradition, on my first week back and after a long absence I was selected to pick against Harvey. With uneven sides I chose to go for the extra man. I kept it as a family affair and moulded the team around a spine of Austins.

Straight from the kick off Ross attempted an audacious attempt at an own goal as he passed the ball all the way back from the half way line to Ken who was in goal, only he wasn't as he had wandered off to look at something in the corner. He made it back just in time to intercept. The yellows then enjoyed most of the possession with several attempts on goal within the first few minutes with only some alert goalkeeping from Geoff keeping the score at 0-0.

Eventually the pressure built and a slick passing move saw the ball fall to Ross out wide who calmly squared the ball to Chris for an easy tap in. Another two almost identical moves resulted in the same outcome as Ross set up Chris to finish. 3-0 was the final score with the man of the match going to Noel who tirelessly chased down the opposing players and set up a number of attacks with some good passing. The whole team performed well though and mention must also go to Chris for his 3 goals, Ross for his 3 assists and Paul for his 3 assaults.