Wed 10th Apr 2019
Duffer's Cup
Points Apply
Att: 12 players
Paul Hackett
2 - 13
Steve Greenall
Steve Greenall had choice
 (2) Chris Stewart
  Gary Parker (4) Ian McKay (1) Ross Cornford (3) Richard Southern (4) Paul Hackett (1)(own goal)
 (1) Ben Munro(1) Alistair Munro
 Gary Parker (4)Ian McKay (1)Ross Cornford (4)Richard Southern (4)

Match Report

Written by Steve Greenall

Unfortunately, not a very good turn-out for this one with 6-a-side on what was a pretty good night weather wise. Paul captained the yellows and I captained the whites and following the game last week where 8-a-side played out a cracking 0-0 draw, the low numbers this week may be in some part responsible for the scoreline with a deluge of goals scored – mostly in the yellows net.

There was some doubt at the end of the game about how many the whites won by, whether it was 12, 13, or 14-2. Apologies for my part in that but I spent some of the game in goal and may have nodded off for a short period. Gary cleared it up by confirming the final score was 13-2.

The scoreline suggests that things may have been a bit one sided and I think it’s fair to say there is some truth in that assertion. However, you have to play what’s in front of you and the whites did this with some style at times, knocking the ball around nicely and stretching the yellow’s defence wherever possible. There was one passage of play during the middle of the game where the whites strung together about fifteen to twenty passes unchallenged, to the extent that some of the players on the next pitch stopped their game to watch and admire what was going on. One or two of them commented after the game that it was a joy to watch at times.

Richie scored one where he chipped the keeper from the halfway line – possibly a bit unsporting, but great to watch all the same.

Credit where it’s due though; despite conceding goals on an almost constant basis, the yellows never gave up the fight. To a man they battled on, particularly Chris and Ali up front, and not helped by some excellent defending from Laurie. Eventually though, they got what they deserved with two goals late on for Chris. I think it was just one of those nights for the yellows.

It was great to win, but I think we’re all looking forward to a better game next week.

MoM – As mentioned, the yellows battled on, particularly Chris and Ali, but on a night like that with a scoreline like that, I think it has to go to one of the whites. Richie and Gary scored four each, Ross scored three, and Mac rolled back the years when he beat the defender (sorry Geoff) before curling a peach of a shot into the top corner from well outside the box – vintage stuff. 

Any one of them would have been worthy winners but I think the best player on the pitch was Gary, so the award goes to him this week. Terrific energy, great finishing, and four assists. Congratulations.