Wed 4th Sep 2019
Points Apply
Att: 18 players
Ross Cornford
1 - 3
Richard Southern
Richard Southern had choice
 (1) Jonny Greenall
  Sylvain Husson (1) Nick Evans (1) Ross Cornford (1)(own goal)
 (1) Dave Owen
 Gary Parker (2)Nick Evans (1)

Match Report

Written by Richard Southern

After a long summer break when the season finished in misery for Southern losing to Evans Senior for the title on the final game, it was time to start a fresh and go again.

First game of the season, 5 new comers starting after 5 fossils threw the towel in. Sheen Senior, Woody, Smith, Mac & Austin Seniors, gone but never forgotten. You will all be sadly missed.

The still injured Southern and the clubs drunk Cornford were drawn to captain the game and get the season going.

High ferocious winds on a warm September evening could potentially make this game uncontrollably challenging, a coin was flipped and Southern was successful. 9-a-side so equal teams, Southern tactically opted for first pick.

The captains started in goals, a clear sign of competitiveness that thrives within this club. Cornford surprisingly sober and awake,  Southern not surprisingly, overweight.

The two teams entered the field of play and the game started with balls being taken by the winds and the teams chasing like school boys.

Eventually all players sussed out the conditions and with experience became composed.

15 minutes in, a gush of wind appeared to catch Nuttall Senior off guard forcing him to fall over like a weeble-wobble, no one around him. Comedy gold from the veteran spoon.

Some tidy play from the yellows was starting to create more space and learn that passing around the ground was the only way to get past the towering Nuttall Junior, standing at 6ft6”.

Neat chest control from Balnaves, one two with Greenall Junior, to Owen who danced past Moses, finding Greenall Junior to drill a great finish through Southern’ s legs. 1 nil yellows.

Immediate response from the whites. Starting at the back the whites attached aggressively searching for the equaliser.

Blaylock casually passing inside to Eyres, side pass to Husson, back to Moses, to Stewart, onto Parker Senior who was stood on the wing, by passing Austin Junior and driven low cross for Husson to flick the ball with the inside of his back leg towards the net. Hackett Senior and Nuttall Senior bewildered. 1-1.

1-1 half time, change ends. Whites hoping to capitalise and take advantage of the wind behind them.

Literally minutes later, another counter attack from the white after an fierce initial drive between Balnaves Greenall Junior Parkinson and Owen.

Young giraffe Nuttall Junior getting in a Joel Matip type interception, passing through o Eyres, into Parker Senior, on to a free Evans Junior, who picked the ball up just outside the yellows D and placed a curling right foot into the empty net. 2-1 whites.  

Cornford randomly screaming for a slide tackle by young Nuttall. Not to be. Cornford furthest away. Probably drunk. Maybe just woken up. Place on, goal allowed.

Southern mentions to his now keeper Moses “we need another otherwise this alleged ‘slide tackle’ could have an affect on the game” Cornford still muttering, could have just been drunken slurs.   

Within seconds a powering clash between the white Nuttall Junior, sandwiched between the yellows Greenall Junior and Balnaves, only one winner Nuttall Junior towering a great header towards Eyres, who neatly finds Husson, trickery past Evans Senior, casually finding Southern, a cross ball to Stewart, into Blaylock, slotting into Evans Juniors feet, controlled, into Parker, scuffs his shot rolling into Cornford who………passes it into his own net. 3-1 whites.

Final whistle, game points to Southern and the whites. Great team performance from both sides under difficult conditions.

Brilliant to see so much fresh blood joining and the numbers rising after a few tough months of legends retiring and trying to recruit.

MOM a tough decision, both sides put in a shift, all of my whites were particularly impressive so its difficult to choose one, but overall on the night I’ve gone for the yellows Matt Balnaves. Looks a player. One to watch. Expect to see his valuation rise over the season.

Ps: great to see Evan’s Senior have a shocker :)