Wed 30th Oct 2019
Points Apply
Att: 13 players
Gary Parker
2 - 1
Jay Parkinson
Jay Parkinson had choice
 (2) Mike Statham
  Dave Owen (1)
 (1) Gary Parker(1) Jonny Greenall
 Andy Eyres (1)

Match Report

Written by Jay Parkinson

Not the warmest of evenings for playing football and it didn't get off to a great start with Noels car breaking down making it uneven sides, but we cracked on. I chose extra man giving Gary first pick, my team in white Gary's in yellow.

Yellows made a strong start, straight away attacking the whites goal with a through ball from Chris onto Jonny who was one on one with the keeper only to scuff it wide.

Whites retaliated with a great through ball from Andy onto Dave who finished it well making it 1-0 white. Gary decided enough is enough and came out of goal. We knew we had our work cut out with Jonny, Gary , and Chris running at the goal, but we were consistently strong at the back with Steve, Carl, and Paul all closing down well and defending strongly. I then decided to come out of goal because I was freezing (sorry Paul).

As the match continued we were both gunning for the win and the yellows kept pressing. Out of nowhere Mike scored a great goal lobbing Paul making it 1-1.

The match was really close at the half way point and Andy made a very tactical tackle on Chris from behind who was heading for goal. Chris stepped up to take the free kick ... Owen Farrell would be proud.

Yellows continued to press forward, so much so, I wondered if someone had the wrong top on again. Yellows won a corner and somehow the ball ended up in the back of the net coming of mikes foot.

Yellows were obviously feeling the pace of the game and couldn't believe their luck. As they strolled back into their own half, I over heard "walk back slow lads" ... strategic time wasting!

As the game progressed you could feel the tensions rising and Ross got a telling off from Paul because he wouldn't pass him the ball for a throw in.

White continues to press forward to make it even, but struggled to get passed the yellows back three. Yellows were panicking, Chris's imaginary watch was showing 9.15 and he called time.

All in all it was a good game and very close.

My man of the match has to go to Mike who not only bagged two goals, but was almost impossible to get past in defence.