Wed 16th Apr 2014
Captain's Cup
Points Apply
Att: 16 players
Paul Hackett
2 - 0
Mark Austin
Paul Hackett had choice
 (2) Andy Eyres
 (1) Carl Syvret(1) Geoff Sheen

Match Report

Written by Paul Hackett
The pundits said Mark had all the runners but they didn't reckon for our midfield emerald formation.
Alan impressed early on with a Raheem-like switch & cross but nobody was there to meet it.
Carl saved superbly from Dave who always seemed to find space in midfield.
But after an early scare we controlled it pretty well with Andy having a man of the match performance in midfield & scoring a Gerrard header. i think he got the first too? Geoff did the Andy Carroll role up front.

Nick had probably his best match with his quiff, like a shark's fin, patrolling down the wing and savaging Ally. His conversion to right back late-on when Phil went in was a revelation.
Carl came out to bolster midfield looking like a Mexican bandit with his muzzy, til he had a wayward shot which was made him look reminiscent of a failed 118 audition.

Ken needed a magic wand. If he had used his ball-retrieving contraption in goal he might have saved Andy's header.

Hard luck Mark - you'll have to concentrate on the league.