Wed 29th Jan 2020
Captain's Cup
Points Apply
Att: 12 players
Harvey Baird
3 - 2
Brian Moses
Brian Moses had choice
 (1) Gary Parker (1) Jonny Greenall (1) Andy Eyres
  Blake Sheen (1) Dave Owen (1)
 (1) Jay Parkinson(1) Neil Parker(1) Jonny Greenall
 Brian Moses (1)Paul Hackett (1)

Match Report

Written by Brian Moses

I love Wednesdays.

A game of footy and a post match pint with the lads. 

Quote of the day had to be from Richie after he realised he was last pick. “I used to be good”. Never seen him so gutted.

He started the match like a man possessed. He was everywhere but soon ran out of steam. 

6 v 6 makes sure the older generation ache like fuck the next day after chasing Gary and Jonny round the pitch. 

Anyway, to the game. It was a good contest like they all are but the score line flattered the whites. Yellows missing sitter after sitter and should have ran away with it in the second half.  

First half was even with both teams scoring. It was a blowy night so we switched round and even with the wind behind us we still huffed and puffed and chased the game. yellows where soon 3 - 1 up and looking like they would thrash us but some poor finishing and Sylvain and Blake putting the leg work in we never gave up and pulled 1 back. Game ending 3 - 2 to yellows. 

MOM for me goes to Paul Hackett, oldest player on the pitch in a 6 v 6 game and never stopped running.

Special mention to Jay, well done for turning up to the pub mate, should have had a hat trick but the goals were too small :P

The rest of the lads need to get their fingers out and start turning up for a game, I can’t remember what some of you ugly gits look like it’s been that long.