Wed 12th Feb 2020
Duffer's Cup
Points Apply
Att: 15 players
Neil Parker
5 - 3
Jay Parkinson
Jay Parkinson had choice
 (1) Richard Southern (2) Ben McKay (1) Jonny Greenall (1) Harvey Baird
  Jay Parkinson (1) Gary Parker (1) Chris Stewart (1)
 Gary Parker (1)Andy Eyres (1)Chris Stewart (1)

Match Report

Return of the Mac!!!

Written by Neil Parker

Having played my two league matches against Sylvain, I found myself in the draw for the Duffers Cup against Jay. After a good few weeks of having minimal numbers turning up we had an improvement, albeit odd numbers. Jay had choice and decided to have the first pick, giving me the extra man. Picking commenced and it quickly became clear that after Richie’s outburst in the changing room “I best not be picked last this week, or I’ll be fumin!” Jay and I were clearly both avoiding picking Richie. In the end, Richie became the extra man so I automatically got him, so technically Richie got his wish as he was never picked.

Onto the game, and as I went through the team asking each where they would play, each agreeing. I came to Richie and asked him to play in a central role of midfield. This was met with a roar of laughter from the team, however was agreed by Richie. 

Kick off. Both teams showing glimpses of attacking threats but no goals for the first 20 mins or so. Harvey came very close to scoring a long range effort, beating the keeper however not the post. Shortly after this, the ball fell to Chris who had advanced down the left wing and curled one into the bottom corner. 1-0 whites. My team stood firm however and reacted well with 3 goals to make it 3-1. Harvey now scoring a screamer after finding his range. The game ebbed and flowed from this point, both teams had opportunities, Dave missing some sitters (dont we all). 

With about 10 mins to go, the Whites equalised with goals from Jay and Gary...bastards. 3-3.

However this was met again with determination from all of my team and we managed to squeeze two late goals to end the match comfortably at 5-3, I’ll say no more about my scuffed volley. Good luck in the next round Jay. Well done to all my team, especially Richie, hope you were able to enjoy some garlic baguettes when you got home.

Man of the match is a tough one, a lot of good performances on show. Skills from Jonny/Ben/Richie, top defending from Paul/Noel, non-stop running from Dave....

But I’d have to give it to Harvey because of the nature of his goal, as well as committed defending and good communication. Well done all!

P.s. Gary you were shit.