Wed 26th May 2021
Points Apply
Att: 17 players
Mark Austin
0 - 1
Dave Owen
Dave Owen had choice
  Paul Stewart (1)

Match Report

Written by Dave Owen

Mark immediately questioned the fact that I had choice as he recalled that I had an extra man in the first game. As we have had several lockdowns since then I had no memory of this. Gary is the boss and is never wrong so we cracked on and I went for first pick. The job made difficult by odd numbers and the fact three players declared carrying an injury. Hackett’s pre-game war cry obviously worked and meant no-one dare drop out with a niggle! 

We lined up in Whites and appropriately started to knock the ball around like Real Madrid. The quality of football on both sides was good with some slick moves in tight spaces through the middle of the pitch. But the early deadlock was broken as Paul S pounced on a rebounded shot to give Mark in goal no chance and slotted into the corner. With the man advantage the Yellows pressured higher and higher up the pitch but a solid back line won everything and wasn’t letting anything through. Whites tried to launch several counter attacks but Yellows proving they themselves could defend when required. The pattern for the game was set and chances were few and far between. 

With 10 minutes to go both teams dug deep and had ‘once last push’ to secure the win or snatch the points. Nick swept one wide when eye to eye with Bren, distracted no doubt knowing he had to tuck it in the corner to stand a chance of scoring. A handful of medium range efforts from the Whites didn’t have enough to find the back of the net either. And despite a late goal mouth scramble the Whites did enough to earn the points.

A great effort by everyone and another great game of football. Goals seemingly hard to come by but great effort and competitive. Keep it up lads!!