Wed 14th Jul 2021
Points Apply
Att: 12 players
Brendan Crilley
3 - 7
Andy Eyres
Andy Eyres had choice
 (1) Chris Stewart (1) Gary Parker (1) Nick Evans
  Richard Southern (2) Tom Kophamel (1) Jonny Greenall (2) Andy Eyres (2)
 (1) Chris Stewart(1) Jay Parkinson
 Richard Southern (2)Tom Kophamel (1)Jonny Greenall (1)Andy Eyres (1)Mike Statham (1)

Match Report

Written by Andy Eyres

Down to the business end of the season, where the champions elect begin the 4 weeks of picking their teams to determine ultimate glory!

A fairly low turn out for the game this week, making 6 a-side, and therefore a tough ask for both sides. The teams were pretty evenly matched on paper, with both me and Bren, almost selecting like-for-like in picking a solid defence, followed with some attacking 'flair' 

Bren has sat at the top of the league all season, and had a healthy points advantage going into the game, so I got the benefit of first pick. In his first season with the club, a great start to his 'old farts' career, but surely a goalie can't win the league...

Back to the game, started off fairly cagey from both sides, with much of the ball in the middle. I did the first 10 mins in goal, and didn't really have much to do, but did see us take an early lead through a good finish from Jonny, after some quick passing down the wing with Richie.

Shortly after, 'fit as a fiddle' Peter tweaked his hamstring, and took the goalkeeping duties from me. Cue around 15 minutes of chaos, with the yellows starting to get on top, whites being too excitable in releasing the ball, and causing their own problems. Chris got the yellows back on level terms soon after, and should have had two for the evening (more of that later)

As the whites started to get things going again, Richie started to roll back the years, showing glimpses of the 'young, slim' scooter Figo, with a double megs, to set up another attack. The reality of a chubby bald Scooter Figo was evidenced by his need for a 'breather' after the double megs and running 20 yards!

The sun was causing problems for both teams, with passing proving difficult in distinguishing player colours. A change of ends at half time was needed, but didn't have the immediate impact for the whites, as it was 2-1 to the yellows shortly after with Nick finishing off after some good work from Chris and Jay, and a neat passing move.

Whites struggled for the next 5 minutes, struggling to get their passing going, but as a loss was no good for me, only a win would do to keep the season interesting, Tom pushed up further, and we started pressing a little higher, forgive me for the order in which the goals went in, but I'll try my best!

With the whites now pressing more, the yellows launched another attack down the left, with Chris looking to roll the ball in from a tight angle, Gary, following up on the line, had a quick pause to consider his actions, then proceeded to 'nick' Chris's goal, and ensure the ball hit the net, a true poachers goal! 3-1. Chris turned the air blue back at the pub, having had his goal 'stolen' by 'Gary The Bastard'! A fitting name?

Richie scored soon after in the top corner after a quick low corner from me to keep us in the game...

Then came the capitulation from the Yellows with around 20 mins left! The inquest after the game was wide ranging and varied, but ultimately inconclusive! More beer was drunk...

Jonny netted his second after some more good work from Mike and Richie

I pounced on a loose touch from Neil on the halfway line, to cue a foot race between us to the yellows goal, I got myself enough room to lift it over the keeper to slot in the far post, we were now in the ascendency!

Another fine finish from Richie, then shortly after left him with probably his easiest chance to get his hat-trick, but somehow passed it into the arms of Bren, who was already lying down to have a rest!

More goals followed late on, with a deft flick from Tom after another corner, though he had just missed an open goal just prior, to make up for it.

I scored late on to wrap up the points for the whites, and get me two points closer to Bren.

A few contenders for MOM...

Gary for his excellent finish, I've seen him miss them! :D

Chris for his work rate

All the whites worked hard, and all contributed to the win, but MOM goes to Richie this week, 2 goals, assists, megs plus it means he doesn't have to lie to Jen this week!

Still all to play for, and only 4 people now in with a shot of winning, will it go down to the wire?...