Wed 9th Mar 2022
Captain's Cup
Points Apply
Att: 16 players
Blake Sheen
1 - 1
Gary Wong
Blake Sheen had choice
 (1) Dave Owen
  Martin Cushing (1)
 Richard Southern (1)

Match Report

Written by Blake Sheen

I had strange feeling on my way to Vauxhalls that i was going to be picking.....and so it was. I had first pick against Gary W. This is usually an advantage with even sides but on this occasion there a wasnt much in it. An almost identical team value for each side made for a very close game.

It was one of those nights where almost everyone put in a good performance. The only exception was Nick, who was shite. I didn't actually notice this to be fair but its all Richie went on about in the changing rooms after the game.

Both teams seemed to have some good chances early on. All of them were missed or saved which was the main theme to this match. I thought I was going to get the chance to open the scoring when I broke from the back, playing a slightly lucky one two with Tom and rounding the Whites 107 year old keeper. The angle was almost impossible, I probably shouldn't have attempted it, I nearly fell over and the ball rolled out for a goal kick. Another chance gone and the usually giggle from Andy Eyres (even though he was on my team)

Shortly after, the Yellows broke the deadlock. Dave Owen received the ball on the right an stuck the ball in near post. An excellent finish. At this point I thought we would score a couple more, the chances we were creating seemed to be just a little bit clearer.

What happened next was on me, the Whites counter attacked and Cush made a great run up the left flank. As right back, he was my man. Last pick had the ball on the right wing and was fannying around as usual, he drew me in and played a great pass through the middle to give Cush was one on one with Bren. He still had a bit to do against such seasoned keeper but a quick finish made it 1:1. 

The rest of the game followed suit. So many chances, so many misses. In the end, I think both teams were happy to see the final whistle without losing. I'd like to thank all of my players for putting a shift in. We seem to have quite a few low scoring games which is unusual for 6-9 aside. I hope is a testament to the way we play and not how shit we are.

I can't remember too many controversial events to talk about. Andy E and Gary W swung handbags at one point, I didnt really see what that was about. I took out Nick with rash challenge which I quickly apologised for. Oh and perhaps the biggest talking point. Grahams 100% winning record came to an end after 8 games. A club record I believe, how long can he go with out a loss?

MoM of the match is tough one but I'm going to give it to Jay for a really good effort and some great one on one battles.

I'm not looking forward to penalties against Gary next week but may the best peno win.