Wed 1st Feb 2023
Points Apply
Att: 18 players
Paul Stewart
5 - 2
Harry McGuire
Paul Stewart had choice
 (2) James Hewson (2) Gary Parker (1) Chris Stewart
  Martin Cushing (1) Jamie Hives (1)
 (1) Tom Kophamel(2) Gary Parker
 Neil Parker (1)

Match Report

Written by Paul Stewart

The losing streak finally ends with a BANG!

Whilst everybody frantically looked for balls to pinch, steal and borrow due to Jay P not fulfilling his ball bag duties I resumed picking first vs Harry Maguire!

I was fairly confident with my selection even though I had selected the luckless of late James and opted for the Brazilian yellow shirts. Richie had offered to go in goal for the first half of the game, something I nearly came to regret later on. Whether the shirt selection had something to do with it or not, my team started the game resembling the South American samba boys, keeping possession of the ball well and dominating play. It wasn't long until we took the lead through the unlikely and recently unlucky hero of the night James who crashed a shot into the bottom corner. Seemingly in control of the game and looking to extend our lead, we failed to defend a Wimbledon esq route one ball from Neil which found its way all the way to our goalkeeper Richie, who decided he had locked in syndrome, hit the ground in a fit and allowed Cush to sneak in the equalizer.

The goal kick-started the whites and gave them something to hold onto and the game became pretty even until a lovely passing move was finished off by a 20 yard wonder strike from ....... I cant bring myself to say it (my brother)! He's reminded me on several occasions already this week to not forget to mention his goal and I even had Rachael his wife beg me to hurry up and get this report written so she didn't have to keep hearing him harp on about it.

Harry opted to switch halves and I went in goal and the game continued with the yellows dominating possession until another calamity clanger when Nick got the ball at CB and passed into the path of Jamie H who stroked it into an empty net. 2-2 and in disbelief the yellows decided enough was enough and with James in a Ronaldihno like mood covering every blade of artificial grass, we quickly regained the lead through 2 quick goals from Gary P and James himself with a further effort with the game nearing an end by Gary P to finish 5-2.

M.O.M - I thought our Chris had an excellent game but Man of the match had to go to the long suffering James who ended his miserable record setting losing run, got himself a few goals but more importantly ran himself into the ground.

Special mention to Ed Johnson who was bitterly disappointed that the ball bag, I mean Jay, not only forgot the balls but to write his match report and Ed's Kanu like back heel goal in last weeks 2-1 win!