Wed 8th Feb 2023
Points Apply
Att: 21 players
Nick Evans
4 - 0
Andy Eyres
Nick Evans had choice
 (2) Paul Stewart (1) Dave Owen (1) Jamie Hives
 (1) Chris Stewart(1) Nathan Rodway(1) Dave Owen(1) Jamie Hives

Match Report

Written by Nick Evans

A fairly mild and clear February evening saw the return of Bren, Nathan and Andy Eyres, the latter of whom was thrust into the picking spotlight in typical +30 fashion after several weeks out. I used this to my advantage, and opted for a strong spine with the in form Nick in defence, Paul S just in front and Dave up tops, with Jay and Jamie providing a bit of flair on the wings and Bri and Chris bossing the fullback roles. Joining Paul in midfield was Nathan, a stone lighter and still in the process of recovering from a horrific bout of food poisoning lasting 2 weeks, allegedly from a McDonalds meal. Little did this McMatter as he managed an assist and still played better than the whole of the whites combined.

A cagey first 20 minutes saw the yellows have the better of the chances, with Andy making a couple of fine saves to keep the score level. At around the halfway mark Gary W made a clean run through on goal, fortunately I just beat him to the ball and cleared to Nick S who played a hopeful pass up to Dave or possibly Paul who nodded it in beyond the stranded keeper, 1-0 yellows. This opened up the floodgates with Paul putting one on a plate shortly after for Dave who tapped home and then secured his brace afterwards, leading to a cry of disappointment from Hackett who was beaten at his near post from about 20 yards. Jamie also grabbed a goal but I can't remember it, apologies mate.

Not too many talking points in a fairly decent and pretty competitive match. Chris disappeared for half the game with something stuck in his eye but it didn't seem to make much of a difference with the yellows in control and playing some lovely football out from the back. Brian went in goal for the last 20 minutes after picking up a mysterious injury and did remarkably well to keep a clean sheet, saving one with his bollocks which were apparently still swinging in the pub afterwards in time to whatever was on the karaoke. The whites put us under pressure in fairness but Jonny summed up their performance after hitting the bar; "it's just one of those nights" and he was right.

MoM - Nick, Paul and Dave were brilliant but going to give it to Jamie as he worked his socks off and also ended his 8 match losing streak, which means he wasn't too far away from breaking Jame's recent record, who has apparently retired after finally winning last week in rather heroic circumstances!