Wed 22nd Feb 2023
Captain's Cup
Points Apply
Att: 14 players
Nathan Rodway
8 - 1
Nick Evans
Nick Evans had choice
 (1) Nathan Rodway (2) Tom Kophamel (1) Jamie Hives (4) Andy Eyres
  Dave Owen (1)
 (2) Tom Kophamel(1) Jonny Greenall(3) Jamie Hives(2) Andy Eyres

Match Report

Written by Nick Evans

What's worse than losing 8-1?  

Losing 8-1 and then having to write the match report!

With my Dad making his long awaited return to Wednesday night football, I thought it was nailed on that he and Paul would be playing their first leg, and that the rest of us would be safe from picking. Unfortunately, this was not the case as pre-match, Gary announced that the first round of the Captain's Cup was to be played, and that I was in contention to pick. Club chairman Andy Eyres gracefully performed his duties by selecting names out of a hat, drawing league leader Nathan (rather conveniently) and myself  (rather unfortunately) to play the tie, and as he walked past muttered "that's for beating me". The mind games had already started!

A late flurry of drop-outs resulted in a low turn-out by this season's standard, meaning a change in picking strategy was needed to accommodate 7 a side. Looking back now, I didn't really have a strategy, and that's probably where it all went wrong! The yellows controlled the game, with Tom, Andy, Jamie and later Nathan absolutely destroying the white's defence. Jonny also tried his best. After 30 mins I came out of goal and tweaked the formation and positions, putting big Nick upfront which helped for all of 5 minutes, but ultimately the yellows were too quick and ruthless, leading to the most one-sided game for quite some time. 

Despite their 8 goals, the goal of the game came from Dave who hit an absolute screamer past Paul from quite a distance. MotM goes to Dave for this and for denying the yellow's their clean sheet, which I doubt any of them lost sleep over.

Other highlights included both Nathan and Tom coming to the pub post-match- f*ck me, it must have been bad! 

Congratulations to Nathan and best of luck in the cup McMate.