Wed 10th Dec 2014
Points Apply
Att: 13 players
Andy Mealor
5 - 4
Andy Smith
Andy Smith had choice
 (1) Blake Sheen (1) Brian Moses (1) Dave Owen (1) Neil Parker (1)(own goal) Gary Parker
  Gary Parker (2) Chris Stewart (1) Andy Mealor (1)(own goal)
 (1) Dave Owen(2) Neil Parker
 Carl Syvret (1)Chris Stewart (3)

Match Report

Written by Andy Smith
A few hardy souls turned up to brave the elements:
Whites Geoff, Dave W, Bob, Chris, Gary, Carl, Andy S
Yellows Blake, Phil, Neil, Brian, Dave O,Andrew M
Pitched unfairly against a man ( nay, boy) less than half my age and suffering a sore foot from last week, low numbers,so no choice but to go for the extra man. It should have worked but bad luck and missed chances made sure it did not, but credit Yellows for playing well. So in deference to the festive season and with post match inspiration from Brian, in addition to me there were:

12 others playing
11 saves from Philip,
10 white missed chances,
9 goals in total,
8 points for City,
7 whites a swanning,
6 yellows posing,


4 goals from Whites,
3 rebounds,
2 own goals,

And Blake Sheen in a very gay top!

Apologies to Liverpool fans for Champions League reference - could not come up with anything else! So 5-4 to yellows and apart from og's, think scorers were Dave O x2, Brian, Blake and Chris and Gary x2. Away working next week unfortunately, so best wishes to all for a great Xmas. Cheers.
