Wed 12th Aug 2015
Duffer's Cup
Att: 20 players
Blake Sheen
1 - 5
Geoff Sheen
Geoff Sheen had choice
 (1) Andy Eyres
  Gary Parker (3) Dave Owen (2)
 Steve Owen (1)Gary Parker (1)Dave Owen (1)Andy Smith (1)

Match Report

Written by Geoff Sheen
Geoff Vs Blake

Dad Vs Son

Brawn Vs Skill

I am to old to remember the teams the was millions on the pitch.

This is the fixture I least like, under normal circumstances I would pick Blake first and for some crazy reason he always picks me first. Rules are rules and we move on.

I picked Gary first and that's pretty much all you need to know fantastic hatrick
Dave O got a brace, 5-1 and that was game over.

Oh I forgot to mention I made two brilliant saves.

Nutter needs to lose four stone then I would like to see him in the ring with hacket
Woody was trying to spell nock nock walw
Great to see Harvey back hope his legs are okay this morning.
Also Dave Graney made an appearance as spectator and social member. ie went to the club (yet again only a 50% turn out in the club )

When I got home last night I had to tell his mum "Her boy took a hell of a beating."

On a genetic note, considering my son is smarter than me, fitter than me, more skilful than me, and got a 5-1 mauling. I think we need to revisit Darwin and the theory of evolution.

Ps Where have all the match reports gone ???